
robert Sah, Md ScD

Principal Investigator

albert Chen, phd

Project Scientist

Van Wong

Development Engineer, Lab Manager

tarek meniai, mD

Visiting Scholar

Xueyi "sheRry" wan

PhD Candidate

Andrew Finebaum

Master's Student

graduate alumni by year

2023 Erica Gacasan, PhD

2023 Nasim Eshragh Nia, PhD

2023 Alborz Jelvani, PhD

2022 Caroline Bullard, MS

2022 Rebecca Drake, PhD

2022 Ismael Munoz, PhD

2020 Jason Caffrey, PhD

2020 Swetha Mohan, MS

2019 Corentin Nemoz, MS

2018 Somaye Jafari, PhD

2018 Aimee Raleigh, PhD

2018 Alexander Szewczyk, MS

2017 Felix Hsu, PhD

2017 Haoran Qiu, MS

2016 Neil Chang, PhD

2016 Alexander Hui, PhD

2016 Sungil Hwang, MS

2016 Espoir Kyubwa, PhD

2016 Arnaud Leclerc, MS

2014 Bradley Hansen, PhD

2014 Alvin Su, PhD

2013 Jerome Hollenstein, PhD

2013 Susanna Lin, MS

2013 Jesse Unger, MS

2012 Elaine Chan, PhD

2012 Yannick Devaud, MS

2012 Iliya Goldberg, MS

2012 Andrea Kichura, PhD

2012 William McCarty, PhD

2012 Quynhhoa Nguyen, PhD

2011 Jennifer Antonacci, PhD

2011 Murray Grissom, MS

2011 EunHee Han, PhD

2011 John Lee, MS

2010 Jennifer Hwang, PhD

2010 Greg Williams, PhD

2009 Nancy Hsieh-Bonassera, PhD

2009 Christopher Raub, PhD

2009 Benjamin Wong, PhD

2008 Megan Blewis, PhD

2008 Hazreen Haizi Harith, MS

2008 Rebecca Rone, MS

2008 Reza Shirazi, PhD

2007 Allison Deppe, MS

2007 Ken Gratz, PhD

2006 Anya Asanbaeva, PhD

2006 Kanika Chawla, PhD

2006 Kyle Jadin, PhD

2006 Gayle Nugent Derfus, PhD

2006 Tannin Schmidt, PhD

2005 Dirk Albrecht, PhD

2005 Travis Klein, PhD

2005 Kevin McGowan, PhD

2005 Michele Temple-Wong, PhD

2004 Won Bae, PhD

2004 Chad Lewis, PhD

2003 Manu Chaudhry, MS

2002 Kelvin Li, PhD

2002 Amanda Williamson, PhD

2001 Twana Davisson, PhD

2001 Mike DiMicco, PhD

2001 Melissa Micou, PhD

2000 Yehudit Falcovitz Gerassi, MS

1999 Douglas Chang, PhD

1998 Tabassum Ahsan, PhD

1997 Albert Chen, PhD

1997 Robert Schinagl, PhD

1994 Eugene Serina, MS

Graduate alumni by last name (Dissertation)

Ahsan, Tabassum, Integrative repair and collagen crosslinking in articular cartilage. PhD, 1998.

Albrecht, Dirk R, Microscale organization of cells within 3-D hydrogels by dielectrophoresis: applications to cartilage biology. PhD, 2005.

Antonacci, Jennifer M, Boundary lubrication of articular cartilage: Contribution of hyaluronan in health and injury. PhD, 2011.

Asanbaeva, Anya, Cartilage growth and remodeling: modulation of growth phenotype and tensile integrity. PhD, 2006.

Bae, Won C, Indentation testing of articular cartilage: biomechanics and efficacy. PhD, 2004.

Blewis, Megan E, Bioengineering synovial fluid with theoretical and experimental models of the synovial joint. PhD, 2008.

Bullard, Caroline G, Electrical impedance across the osteochondral interface: Variation with normal skeletal maturation and osteoarthritis. MS, 2022.

Caffrey, Jason P, Experimental biomechanics of musculoskeletal injury models and repair implants. PhD, 2020.

Chan, Elaine F, Association of 3-dimensional joint shape and function during growth, repair, and in disease. PhD, 2012.

Chang, Douglas G, Structure and function relationships of articular cartilage in osteoarthritis. PhD, 1999.

Chang, Neil, Structural deterioration of human articular cartilage and subchondral plate. PhD, 2016.

Chaudhry, Manu, Biomechanical implications of press-fit implantation. MS, 2003.

Chawla, Kanika, Mechanisms of articular cartilage defect repair in vivo after implantation of stratified cartilaginous tissue. PhD, 2006.

Chen, Albert C, Electromechanical properties of normal cartilage and biomechanical regulation of transplanted chondrocytes: implications for articular cartilage tissue engineering. PhD, 1997.

Davisson, Twana H, Biophysical regulation of metabolic balance in tissue engineered articular cartilage. PhD, 2001.

Deppe, Allison M, Contact stress in a whole joint bioreactor: intrinsic levels & augmentation by external loading. MS, 2007.

Devaud, Yannick R, Modeling the calcification of cartilage in a double diffusion chamber. MS, 2012.

DiMicco, Mike A, Collagen synthesis, transport, and deposition in integrative articular cartilage repair. PhD, 2001.

Drake, Rebecca L, Centrifugal cleansing of the subchondral bone of osteochondral grafts. PhD, 2022.

Eshragh Nia, Nasim, Mechanobiological mechanisms of cartilage degeneration in post-traumatic osteoarthritis. PhD, 2023.

Falcovitz Gerassi, Yehudit H, Compressive properties of normal human articular cartilage: age, depth and compositional dependencies. MS, 2000.

Gacasan, Erica G, Biomechanics and mechanobiology of articular cartilage growth and maturation in the distal femur. PhD, 2023. 

Goldberg, Iliya, Quantitative polarized light microscopy analysis of medial femoral condyles from rabbits that underwent anterior cruciate ligament transection. MS, 2012.

Gratz, Ken R, Biomechanics of articular cartilage defects. PhD, 2007.

Grissom, Murray J, Effect of arthroscopic cartilage defect repair with bone marrow derived cells on the lubricant properties of synovial fluid. MS, 2011.

Han, EunHee, Tissue engineering of cartilaginous grafts with mechanically functional aggrecan. PhD, 2011.

Hansen, Bradley C, Distal femoral articular cartilage surface topology: health, acute injury, and repair. PhD, 2014.

Harith, Hazreen Haizi, Lubrication properties of post-injury synovial fluid: the relationship between friction, wear and its biochemical contents. MS, 2008.

Hollenstein, Jerome, Control of calcification in a biphasic osteochondral construct and enhancing interface integration. PhD, 2013.

Hsieh-Bonassera, Nancy D, Cartilage tissue engineering with human chondrocytes from osteoarthritic knees and a semi-permeable membrane. PhD, 2009.

Hsu, Felix H, Articulation of human articular cartilage induces anisotropic structural deterioration and age-dependent cellular responses. PhD, 2017.

Hui, Alexander Y, Regulation of articular cartilage proteoglycan-4 secretion in aging and osteoarthritis. PhD, 2016.

Hwang, Jennifer, Integration of cartilage and bone through a calcified cartilage interface to form a functional osteochondral graft. PhD, 2010.

Hwang, Sungil, Fabrication of an engineered 3D collagen construct via confined compression and via permeation. MS, 2016.

Jadin, Kyle D, Mechanisms of growth of articular cartilage: cell organization and fates. PhD, 2006.

Jafari, Somaye, Biomechanics of articular cartilage: Osteoarthritis and tissue engineering. PhD, 2018.

Jelvani, Alborz, Biomechanical Mechanisms of Articular Cartilage Degeneration in Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis. PhD, 2023.

Kichura, Andrea L, Cartilage defect repair by osteochondral allografts: role of tissue surfaces and interfaces. PhD, 2012.

Klein, Travis J, Cartilage tissue engineering: biophysical modulation of functional depth-dependent properties. PhD, 2005.

Kyubwa, Espoir M, Optogenetic dissection of cell types and circuits in mouse visual cortex. PhD, 2016.

Leclerc, Arnaud M, Effect of osteoarthritis (OA) on osteochondral electrical impedance. MS, 2016.

Lee, John J, The roles of depth varying mechanical properties and permeability of the deep boundary condition in confined compression of articular cartilage. MS, 2011.

Lewis, Chad W, Osteochondral properties and relationships in the synovial joint. PhD, 2004.

Li, Kelvin W, Regulation of chondrocytes by static and dynamic loading in articular cartilage repair. PhD, 2002.

Lin, Susanna M, Effects of injury on synovial fluid hyaluronan transport across a semi-permeable membrane. MS, 2013.

McCarty, William J, Synovial fluid homeostasis: bulk flow, lubricant transport, and biophysical restoration. PhD, 2012.

McGowan, Kevin B, Enhancement of integrative cartilage repair by manipulation of extracellular matrix. PhD, 2005.

Micou, Melissa S, Cell adhesion and matrix metabolism following chondrocyte transplantation. PhD, 2001.

Mohan, Swetha, Theoretical modeling of the o-cresolphthalein complexone assay for bone calcium resorption. MS, 2020.

Munoz, Ismael, Multiscale compartmental model of longitudinal bone growth. PhD, 2022.

Nemoz, Corentin, Characterization of human articular cartilage damage. MS, 2019.

Nguyen, Quynhhoa T, Mechanobiology and biomechanics of articular cartilage repair. PhD, 2012.

Nugent Derfus, Gayle E, Biomechanical regulations of articular cartilage metabolism of proteoglycan 4 and articular surface integrity. PhD, 2006.

Qiu, Haoran -, Automated detection of chondrocyte nuclei in histopathological images of human articular cartilage (Incomplete). MS, 2017.

Raleigh, Aimee R, Biophysical mechanisms of disturbances to synovial joint lubricant homeostasis in post-traumatic osteoarthritis. PhD, 2018.

Raub, Christopher B, Linking optical and mechanical properties in models of fibrosis. PhD, 2009.

Rone, Rebecca J, Effects of hemi-joint culture on biomechanical and biochemical properties of articular cartilage. MS, 2008.

Sah, Robert L, Pacemaker ECGs:a semi-automatic system for generating pacemaker and physiologic ladder diagrams. SM, 1983.

Sah, Robert L, Biophysical regulation of matrix synthesis, assembly, and degradation in dynamically compressed calf cartilage. ScD, 1990.

Schinagl, Robert M, Depth-dependent compressive properties and cell adhesion in articular cartilage repair. PhD, 1997.

Schmidt, Tannin A, Proteoglycan 4 metabolism and boudary lubrication of articular cartilage. PhD, 2006.

Serina, Eugene, Video epifluorescence microscopy to measure transport properties of dextrans in articular cartilage. MS, 1994.

Shirazi, Reza, Computational biomechanics of the human knee joint - role of collagen fibrils networks. PhD, 2008.

Su, Alvin W, Biomechanics of osteochondral graft insertion: cartilage damage and protection strategies. PhD, 2014.

Szewczyk, Alexander F, Custom surgical guides for articular cartilage repair. MS, 2018.

Temple-Wong, Michele M, Age- and site-associated biomechanical weakening of human articular cartilage: relationship to cellularity, wear, matrix fragmentation and the progression to osteoarthritis. PhD, 2005.

Unger, Jesse A, Integration of articular cartilage and trabecular bone through the formation of a calcified interface. MS, 2013.

Williams, Greg M, Biophysical and biochemical regulation of the shape, size, and maturity of calf articular cartilage. PhD, 2010.

Williamson, Amanda K, Development and growth of bovine articular cartilage: biomechanical function and function-composition relationships. PhD, 2002.

Wong, Benjamin L, Biomechanics of cartilage articulation: Effects of degeneration, lubrication, and focal articular defects. PhD, 2009.